Saturday, May 16, 2020

Israel Case Study - 1149 Words

Israel received their independence in 1948, 69 years later they have surpassed more milestones than most countries do in 200 years. (Katz, 2017) Their history shows nothing but war and conflict all the way from the Biblical time frame to present day. Israel has gone from poverty to wealth in a brief duration of time. Israel’s Political, Military and Economic structures have developed tenfold in contrast to other countries that were established four times longer. Through Israel’s military, the government backing, and their ability to adapt economically, Israel is holding their enemies at bay and escalating to a superpower nation. First, Israel is the only Democracy in the Middle East, incorporating a Parliamentary Democracy.†¦show more content†¦(Darlington, 2017) To be considered into the Knesset there is a 3.25 percent threshold that will be adhered to at all times. (Darlington, 2017) Israel’s judicial system is not as complex as the legislative b ranch. (MJL, 2017) The highest court in Israel is the Supreme Court, composed of 15 members that serve in this position until they reach the age of 70. (Darlington, 2017) The Judicial Appointments Panel selects Supreme Court Justices and Judges that consists of nine members: three Justices of the Supreme Court, two Ministers, two Members of the Knesset, and two representatives of the Israel Bar Association. (Darlington, 2017) The Supreme Court is located in Jerusalem. (Darlington, 2017) Howard Stern once stated in relation to Israel’s government, â€Å"If you’re anti-Israel you’re anti-America. [It’s] the only democracy over there, the only friend we have... who’s willing to fight and stand up for what’s right.† (Toto, 2014) Secondly, Israel’s military has a 3 tier missile system: The Arrow 2, Arrow 3, David’s Slingshot, and Iron Dome. (Firling, 2017) The first tier starts with the Arrow 2 and Arrow 3, these speci fic missile systems are for long range missile engagements and threats. (Firling, 2017) The Arrow 2 and Arrow 3 is capable of reaching 400 kilometers distance and elevation reaching 100 kilometers, consequently Arrow 3’s capabilities can cover all of Israel’s land mass. (Firling, 2017) The second tierShow MoreRelatedIsrael Case Study1104 Words   |  5 Pages Israel gained their independence in 1948. 69 years later that have achieved more than most countries do in 200 years. Their history shows nothing but war and conflict all the way from the Biblical time frame. Israel has literally gone from rags to riches in such a short time. Israel’s Political, Military and Economic structures have developed tenfold in contrast to other countries that where established four times longer. 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